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**FREE Roof Giveaway!**

HomeSouth Roofing is excited to announce that we’re giving away a **FREE roof** to someone in need!
If you or someone you know is struggling and meets our qualifications, we encourage you to apply.

How to Apply:


  1. Roof is 15 years or older (Determined by a HomeSouth Rep)
  2. Has been denied for replacement from insurance company
  3. Can show proof of hardship:
    • Tax Return
    • On Disability
    • Loss of Income
    • Elderly on a fixed income
    • Proof of Income
  4. Must be the primary residence
  5. Residential only


Applications must be submitted by **October 15th, 2024** to be considered.

There is **no purchase necessary** to apply. New roof awards will be made at the sole and absolute discretion of HomeSouth Roofing, LLC.

To Apply:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Let’s help someone in need together! Spread the word and share this post.**

#HomeSouthRoofing #FreeRoofGiveaway #CommunitySupport #Roofing #Charity #HelpingHand

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