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What Is an Asphalt Shingle?

Drive around any neighborhood in Montgomery, AL, and you’re likely to see one thing: asphalt shingle roofs. Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material in America for many good reasons. But what exactly are asphalt shingles? Asphalt shingles are roofing materials that are made from a base mat that is coated with asphalt and topped with mineral granules in order to make them water-resistant. They are extremely popular because they are affordable and stand up to many different types of weather conditions. Here at Homesouth Roofing LLC, we have tons of experience installing and working on asphalt roofs. We want you to be as informed about this roofing choice as possible. Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of asphalt roofing.

Asphalt shingle preservation in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle

The Advantages of Asphalt Roofing

Whether you are looking for aesthetic appeal, durability, or a combination of both, asphalt shingles can deliver. Check out why asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing choice in the nation:

  • Many Color Options – Asphalt shingles come in a huge array of colors so you can match them to the color scheme of your home.
  • They Fit Any Roofing Style – No matter what type of roof you have, asphalt shingles can be used on it.
  • Affordability – Asphalt shingles offer weather protection comparable to more expensive roofing materials. Many people opt for asphalt shingles because they are simply more cost-effective.
  • Durability – Did you know that most asphalt roofs can last 20 years or more? This makes asphalt roofing one of the best value materials.
  • Installation – You can also save money on installation because putting in an asphalt roof is less labor-intensive than other roofing materials.

Types of Asphalt Shingles

The variety continues as you can even choose between different types of asphalt shingles. The most common type of asphalt shingle is called a three-tab shingle but is also known as a strip shingle. This is your basic asphalt shingle as it is made from a single asphalt layer. They lie very flat and weigh the least of any asphalt shingle. Next is your dimensional shingle, also known as an architectural shingle. This type consists of two or more asphalt layers and gives a more textured, dimensional look. Lastly, luxury shingles are the most weather-resistant and tend to look the nicest. They are laminated and can be made to look like slate, wood shakes, and other roofing materials.

Asphalt Shingle Maintenance Tips

If you already have asphalt shingles on your roof, it’s a good idea to know how to maintain them so you get the most life out of them. Take a look at the following list of asphalt roofing maintenance tips:

Trim Trees

Make sure that the trees around your home are neat and trimmed so that there are no limbs hanging over the roof.

Keep Gutters Clean

Clogged gutters can collapse and compromise the edge row of your shingles. They can also cause water damage and make welcoming homes for pests and insects.

Have Your Roof Inspected

It is a good idea to have your roof inspected every year by a professional in order to avoid major repairs and get the longest life out of your roof.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Choosing the right roofing contractor is very important for making sure your asphalt shingle installation is done properly. But how do you choose the right contractor?

  • Ask for Licenses and Insurance – Make sure that you ask any prospective contractor if they are fully licensed and insured. If they say no, you should move on to the next one.
  • Ask for References – Any reputable roofing contractor will gladly give you references. You can also look online to check the reviews of the company.
  • Choose the Right Contractor for the Job – Independent contractors are better for small repairs while actual roofing companies are better for larger projects like commercial roofing and roof replacement.

Here at Homesouth Roofing LLC, we are fully licensed, and insured, and can tackle any roofing project. We offer a wide array of services, including:

Our reputation is important to us so you can count on quality craftsmanship any time you work with us. Speak with our professional team about our asphalt shingle roof services today!

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