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Your Roofing Company in Montgomery, AL & Surrounding Areas

Here at Homesouth Roofing LLC, we understand that your roof is your property’s first line of defense against the elements. It protects your family, your livelihood, and everything you care about. We get it and that’s why we work hard to offer the best workmanship, the best warranties, and the best customer service of any roofing company in Alabama or the Florida Panhandle. We are out to restore the strength and beauty of the buildings of this gorgeous and historic city—one roof at a time. Our roof restoration is predicated on transparency and customer service. Our team will clearly explain what may need to be done to restore your roof. Our quotes will be straightforward, and we will only suggest service that your roof actually needs. We offer a wide variety of restoration services, including inspection, repairs, surface priming, prepping, base coat application, and finish coating. Our roof restoration service will have your old building looking like new again. Most importantly, it will lengthen the lifespan of your roof.

Roof Restoration or Re-Roofing?

What’s the difference between roof restoration and re-roofing? To put it simply, roof restoration involves making small repairs to extend the life of the roof or make it more visually appealing. Re-roofing involves replacing the entire roof structure. All roofs have a finite lifespan and if your roof is simply too old or too far gone, a re-roof may be necessary. However, it is smart to explore the restoration option before you pull the trigger. You can count on us to tell you honestly whether you need a re-roof or if you could benefit from our roof restoration service. There are many benefits to roof restoration, such as:

Roof restoration services in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle
  • Improved Curb Appeal – Sometimes all you need is to have your roof tiles cleaned. Or sometimes, you need more in-depth restoration work to improve the look of your home or place of business. In any case, our roof restoration service will improve the aesthetic appeal of your building.
  • Preservation – We have been counted on to restore the roofs of historical buildings in Alabama & the FL Panhandle without affecting the structure. We have the expertise and experience needed for historical roof preservation.
  • Lifespan Extension – Small repairs done in a timely manner can extend the life of your roof. Our roof restoration services focus on helping you get the longest use out of your roof.
  • Stronger Roofs – Fixing any leaks or vulnerabilities is part of the roof restoration process. You can rest easier knowing that your roof is stronger and more capable of standing up to severe weather.
  • Cost Effective – Roof restoration is significantly less expensive than re-roofing. You can save money and restore the strength of your roof with this service.
  • Property Value – Whether you are planning to sell your home for a profit or plan to pass it on to your kids, a roof restoration will increase its value.

We are capable of all aspects of roof restoration. This includes re-pointing, tile cleaning, re-bedding, leak repair, shingle replacement and much more. There’s a lot we can do to improve your roof so give us a call!

Choose Homesouth Roofing LLC

At Homesouth Roofing LLC, we focus on roofing because we want to be the best at it. In addition to roof restoration, you can also count on us for:

Our goal is to leave you with a strong, beautiful roof and a smile on your face. You can fill out the contact form on our site and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Talk to us about your roofing needs today!

Call Us for a Quote