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We’ve Got Roofing Covered In Alabama and the FL Panhandle

Every home and business owner has unique needs. At Homesouth Roofing, we’re committed to providing roofing services of various levels in Alabama and the FL Panhandle to give our customers a customized solution for roofs. Our team is available for roof inspections, roof replacements, patch repairs, and ongoing roof maintenance service. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Roofing Contractor in Wetumpka, AL

Residential Roofing Services

A home is one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make. Ensuring it is protected from outside elements is critical to protecting your family and the rest of your property. We have been providing residential roofing services for decades, solidifying faulty roofs and replacing damaged and outdated materials. Our residential services include:

Experts in Comprehensive Roofing Types

Homesouth Roofing covers a broad range of roofing types to ensure your home or business gets the installation, repairs, or replacement it needs with a specific roofing material. Our expertise spans everything from copper roofing and other metal roofing options to modified bitumen roofs. Florida and Alabama property owners deserve the best possible service experience and results, no matter the details of their roofing projects. We honor your trust in our company by performing all services with impressive, long-lasting work quality and using top-quality roofing products, from built-up roofing to cedar shakes. Let us show you the difference in your structural protection and appearance from our years of professional experience and commitment to outstanding service and work quality.

Types of Roofing for Local Homes & Businesses

Roofs come in a wide array of materials and installation methods. Choosing the right roofing type depends on factors like your location, roof slope, protection needs, and preferences for longevity and maintenance. Fortunately, Homesouth Roofing offers exceptional services for many types of roofing, including the following:

  • Built-Up Roofing – Flat and low-sloped roofs benefit from this roofing type, which is made with bitumen and reinforcing felt layers for maximum protection.
  • Metal Roofing – You can paint weather-resistant and long-lasting metal roofs to complement your structure. This option lasts two times longer than asphalt shingle roofing.
  • Copper Roofing – A copper roof is naturally pliable, resilient, and weather-resistant. It also lasts a lifetime when you have our professionals install it correctly.
  • Cedar Shake Roofing – Known for their durability and strength, these roofs bring a rustic feel to structures.
  • Modified Bitumen Roofs – Homeowners and business owners enjoy protection against temperatures, moisture, damage, and extreme weather with modified bitumen roofs.
  • TPO Roofing – We’ll upgrade your durable Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) roofing to gain benefits like energy efficiency and cost-effective protection.
  • Asphalt Shingles – Our asphalt shingle preservation services offer many color options for any roofing style to safeguard your home or business with this affordable and popular roofing choice.
Commercial Roofing Services in Wetumpka, AL

Commercial Roofing Services

Commercial roofs can pose challenges for inexperienced roofers. However, you won’t run into that with Homesouth Roofing. We specialize in flat commercial roofs with drainage issues and those exposed to tougher conditions due to their lack of slope. If you own a commercial property and want the peace of mind it’s in good hands, call us for:

  • Thorough roof inspections
  • Roof maintenance
  • Reroofing
  • Commercial roof installation
  • Commercial roof repairs

Find Roofing Services Near You Today

Our team at Homesouth Roofing is known for our high-quality and reliable work throughout Wetumpka, Lake Martin, Lake Jordan, Millbrook, and Montgomery, AL. Over the years, our reputation has grown among home and business owners as one of the most trusted assessors of roofing needs in the area. Our company won’t try to sell you a service you don’t need because we rely on our customer recommendations to friends and neighbors to keep us in business. Faithfully serving the community is the only way we know how to do business. Contact us for a roofing quote today.

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