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Your First Call for Emergency Roof Service in Alabama or the Florida Panhandle

Homeowners and businesses in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle know they can rely on Homesouth Roofing for fast, reliable emergency services when they experience sudden damage. While many roof issues build up over time, or an aging roof in need of replacement can wait on different inspections and estimates to come in, some instances require immediate attention. Whether your roof has been damaged in a storm, accident, or some animals have decided to make it their next home, contact our team for the help you need right away.

Homesouth Roofing in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle provides emergency roofing services including roofs damaged by hail

We Are Here in Your Time of Need

Experiencing a roof emergency can be a stressful situation. For one, you may not know where to start when it comes time to find a reputable roofer. Post-storm destruction brings out inexperienced handy folks looking to make a quick buck, so home and business owners should be wary about letting anyone work on their home without proper licensing and credentials. You also have to worry about any areas of your home left exposed, adding urgency to finding someone to fix the issue. At Homesouth Roofing, we offer a variety of emergency roof services to ease the stress and repair your roof in trying times.

When are Emergency Roofing Services Needed?

Hail Damage

Alabama isn’t known for the cold temperatures they see up north. Still, damaging hail only requires freezing temperatures higher up in the atmosphere and is definitely a weather event we have to be mindful of. Even if you don’t see visible harm or missing shingles after a hailstorm, an inspection by our trained team is a good idea to survey any possible damage.

Heavy Rain

Downpours can overrun gutters and low-slope roofs. Rainwater that runs underneath shingles can soak roof boards and cause mold and mildew to grow inside attics and walls. Dark spots on shingles or wet spots that don’t dry on the surface can be signs you have rain damage.

Wind Damage

A properly installed asphalt roof should hold up well to wind, even hurricane force. However, some winds will be stronger than even the most durable roof can handle, especially as the materials get older. If the wind has ripped shingles off your roof, or you see pieces of shingle on the ground after a hurricane or tornado, contact us.

Lack of Maintenance

Whether you’ve neglected your roof maintenance or you’ve moved into a new home, and the previous owner never kept up with maintenance, the roof might need a little TLC. Roofs don’t repair themselves on their own, and any neglect will worsen with time, eventually making any issues known through signs like water spots or mold on ceilings or walls.

Don’t Delay, Contact Us for Roof Emergencies

Not all roof situations can wait. If you’re experiencing a serious issue with your roof from a storm or unexpected event, contact us at Homesouth Roofing for emergency services. Our licensed and insured team of experienced contractors can help get your roof back in good repair.

Call Us for a Quote